Deliver great experiences and robust security

Secure Digital Payments

The way we pay is changing quickly. Contact centers must keep up. Now it’s simple.

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Let customers pay the easiest way – inside the chat session – with any chat application.

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Consumers are increasingly looking to use digital channels to get in touch with your contact center, with webchat predicted to experience the biggest growth by 2027.*

With Eckoh, you can meet customers’ digital preferences easily. Your agents can chat online, securely access account details and resolve issues. You can also take in-chat payments using cards or digital apps, such as Apple Pay or Google Wallet. If people prefer, you can send them payment links by email or SMS.

We’ll handle the payment processing for you, keeping your chat channels PCI DSS compliant, while removing them from the scope of any security audit. It’s simple with Eckoh.

(*) Contact Babel US Contact Centers 2024-2028: The State of the Industry & Technology Penetration, 11th edition

Highstreet Payment Circle

Benefits of embracing secure digital payments

Keep up with customer expectations
Satisfy rising demand for instant chat and payments using tech that integrates easily

Protect your brand and customers
Avoid fraud risks and fines by keeping sensitive data outside of your chat channels

Strengthen PCI DSS compliance
Let Eckoh protect payments for you — and descope your chat channels from audit

Increase sales and revenue
Maximize convenience for customers with options to pay by card or digital wallets

Act in the moment
Take in-chat payments or send payment links to customers instantly via email or SMS

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Please note, Eckoh is unlikely to be cost-effective if you have fewer than 50 agents in your contact center.

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