Privacy Policy

Our commitment to privacy

Your privacy is important to us. Eckoh UK Limited and its worldwide affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “Eckoh”, “us”, “we”, “our”) are committed to protecting your privacy while providing you with a positive experience on our website and in using our products and services.

What does this Privacy Policy apply to?

This Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices and provides information on how and why we collect, use and share your Personal Information through our interaction with you or information we collect from third parties, our business partners, other users and service providers in relation to our products and services, websites, applications and forms that reference this Privacy Policy (the “Eckoh Services"). This Privacy Policy also describes choices that may be available to you regarding use, access, deletion and correction of your Personal Information.

Personal Information we may collect

The below table sets out Personal Information you provide to us or Personal Information we may collect from third parties, our business partners, other users and service providers.

Things you do

What information is collected

What is it used for

Our legal grounds for collecting it

Browse the website

Information about your computer, such as which browser you are using, your network location, the type of connection you are using (e.g., broadband, ADSL etc.) and your IP address. This is done through cookies and is transmitted to our analytics providers as detailed in this Privacy Policy, unless you do not accept cookies.

Improving content and functionality on our website and for marketing purposes.

Consent. You have the right to not accept cookies by clicking do not accept. Where consent is the only legal basis for processing, we will cease to process data.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to improve and promote its Eckoh Services. The level of information gathered is not intrusive as it is only used to determine if the website works well and to enable

Eckoh to improve and promote its services.

Sign up to receive our email newsletter

We will collect your business email address.

Sending marketing communications to you.

Consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time either by clicking on the unsubscribe link or by emailing Where consent is the only legal basis for processing, we will cease to process data after consent is withdrawn.

Gated content downloads

We will collect your email address, your full name and your company name. At the point at which we do this you will have the opportunity to opt out of receiving marketing communications from us.

We will use your details to send you the information you have requested. Unless you have opted out, we will also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Fill in a demo request/ contact form on the website

We will collect your email address, your full name, your company name, your email address and your telephone number.

We will use your details to contact you with the information you have requested. Unless you have opted out, we may also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Send us an email

We will collect your email address and other information contained in the email such as your name, your company and the details of your request.

We will use your details to contact you with the information you have requested. Unless you have opted out, we may also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Registering for an event such as a webinar

We will collect your email address, your full name, your company name, your email address and your telephone number.

We will use your details to send you details of the webinar for which you have registered. Unless you have opted out, we may also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Inbound calls

We will collect any information you supply on the call.

Your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

We will use your details to contact you with the information you have requested. Unless you have opted out, we may also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Give us your business card at an event / have your badge scanned by Eckoh at an event

We will collect the information given on your business card.

We will use your details to contact you with the information you have requested. Unless you have opted out, we may also use your email address to send you marketing communications.

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

Personal Information we may collect from third party data providers

We will collect your email address, your full name, your company name, your email address and your telephone number.

We will use your contact details as part of our sales outreach and marketing communications activities

Legitimate interests of Eckoh to inform customers and potential customers about developments to our products and services.

How long we keep your Personal Information

We will delete your Personal Information in accordance with our retention policy.

The standard period for which we retain your Personal Information is shown in the table below:

Data Retention

Data Retention Period

Retain from

Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

  • One (1) year to maximum three (3) years (unless deleted in accordance with Data Subject Access Requests (‘DSAR’) procedure).
  • Cessation of the relationship

Anonymized browsing data

  • 24 months
  • Date of creation


  • Head Office Physical Access Control System Logs
  • Paper-based visitor logs
  • CCTV recordings
  • System monitoring logs & audit trails
  • One (1) year to maximum three (3) years
  • Three (3) months to maximum one (1) year
  • Three (3) months to maximum one (1) year
  • One (1) year
  • Date of creation
  • Date of visit
  • Date of recording
  • Date that the logged activity took place

Personal Records

  • Job advertisement
  • Information relating to unsuccessful applicants
  • Application forms, supporting documents and recruitment process
  • Equality and Diversity monitoring: including statistics and summary
  • Three months to maximum one (1) year
  • Six (6) months to a maximum of one (1) year
  • One (1) year
  • Six (6) years to maximum seven (7) years
  • End of advertising campaign / withdrawal of ad
  • Date of rejection of application
  • The latter of (a) date of rejection, or (b) termination of employment
  • End of the relevant year

Call Centre Customer Information

  • 6 months
  • Date of capture.
  • Your call may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Who operates the Eckoh websites and where are our servers located?

Eckoh operates this website hosted in servers in the UK which may also be proxied to other territories including the EU and U.S. We also share data from this website with third party data providers for marketing and Client Relationship Management (‘CRM’) purposes. These suppliers hold the data on their servers either in the EU or the US. We have data processor agreements and Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCC”) in place where necessary with the suppliers with whom we share data in this way.

Service Usage Data

Personal information we collect through your interactions with Eckoh, our websites and Services as a user or a participant includes:

  • Internet Protocol ("IP") address, MAC address, other device ID (“UDID”), device type, operating system type and version, client version, type of camera, microphone or speakers, connection type and other related information.
  • User feedback ratings, internal feature usage analytics, usage logs, cookie identifiers.
  • Traffic data about the communications that take place through our platform (such as chat, video conferencing), network monitoring data.
  • Call Detail Records produced by a telephone call or other telecommunications transactions. The Call Detail Record contains various attributes of the call, such as time, duration, completion status, source number and destination number.
  • Fraud data such as blacklist history and security logs.
  • Metadata such as session logs and join & leave time of participants.
  • Log data including IP address, Internet Service Provider ("ISP"), browser type, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data.
  • Publicly available data from End User accounts.

Our analytics providers
Google Analytics (GA4)

Eckoh uses Google Analytics (‘GA4’) to collect and analyse anonymous statistics about usage of our website. When browsing our website, Google Analytics will assign a random ID to your browser that is stored in a cookie. Unless deleted, this cookie persists for a period of up to two years since your last interaction with the Eckoh website. We collect and use this ID to anonymously differentiate between individuals who use the Eckoh website. This enables us to carry out analysis to further improve our online experience for customers. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit:

Google remarketing cookies

We will also use cookies to assist us in tailoring how we advertise our services to you when you visit certain third party websites. This is known as ‘retargeting’, ‘remarketing’ or ‘behavioral advertising’. When you visit certain pages on this website, a cookie will be downloaded onto your computer which will enable us to tailor advertisements that would appear on certain third party websites having an agreement with behavioral advertising providers to display such advertisements. If you do not wish to allow us to use cookies in this way, you can visit to opt out.

Digital Remarketing Tools

We also use a range of digital remarketing tools that allow us to serve relevant and targeted online advertising. These include but are not limited to: LinkedIn Pixel and Insight Tag, 6Sense, Bing Conversion Tracking, Salesforce Account Engagement, ZoomInfo, Facebook and Twitter Conversion Tracking.

Log Files

We also collect non-personally identifiable information through our internet log files, which record data such as user IP addresses, browser types, domain names, and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of this website. This information may be used to analyze trends, to administer the website and to monitor the site’s use.

The way we use information

We use the information you provide about yourself when registering for an event, registering to download materials, requesting information from us or signing up for our email newsletter to fulfil your request. We may use it to send you service-related emails related to your account as well as marketing emails in which we may provide you with information about our products or services which may be of interest to you, in line with our legitimate interests. Every newsletter email we send you will include an unsubscribe link which you can use to opt out of receiving them at any time, or you can email us at and request to be removed from the marketing list.

We do not share any of the information we collect about you with any with any outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete your order and to comply with the requirements of any statutory body with competency in the jurisdiction within which you or we are located, or from within which we provide any service to you or you consume any service.

We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Sharing your Personal Information

Your information including Personal Information may be shared with other organizations if they have a legal right to it.

We will abide by the data protection laws of the United Kingdom. Where Personal Information is transferred outside of the UK by us, we will ensure that such transfer is carried out on the basis of either:

??(a) an adequacy decision made by the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation; or

??(b) where necessary, we shall agree to sign standard contractual clauses for the transfer of Personal Information to processors in a third country as set out in a decision of the ICO or European Commission, as applicable.

Data breaches

We will report any unlawful data breach of this website’s database or the database(s) of any of our third-party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.

Our commitment to data security

To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Eckoh is ISO 27001:2013 accredited and PCI DSS level one accredited.

Our commitment to children’s privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never knowingly collect or maintain information at our website from those we know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.

Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may change from time to time in line with legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly inform our clients or website users of these changes. Instead, we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes.

Your rights

You have certain rights in relation to the information that we hold about you. The most important of these rights are set out as follows:

  • You may request (in writing to or to our registered office address below) details of the Personal Information that we hold on you and the purposes for which it is held.
  • Your request will be met as quickly as possible and within one month at the latest and we will usually provide such details to you by way of an email where you have contacted us by email or otherwise by a photocopy or computer printout. Provision of such information may be subject to an administration charge (as permitted by the relevant legislation). Please put “Subject Access Request” in the subject to help us get your request to the right person.
  • You may request at any time that we stop using information about you for the purpose of informing you about our services, either by sending us an email to or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any marketing-related email that we send you.
Data controller

Eckoh UK Limited (Company Number: 02796531)
Telford House
Corner Hall
Hemel Hempstead

How to contact us

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please call us on +44 (0)1442 458 300 or send us an email at


“Personal Information” means Personal Data as defined in the Data Protection Legislation.